Juara 1 Pepsodent Awards 2011


Hendri Jaya Permana, Putri Kharisma Dewi, Ali Taqwim

Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember


Mechanical forces in orthodontic treatment stmimulate inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandin and proinflamatory cytokines. Inflamatory mediators can stimulate bone resorption, 9 time faster and larger than bone formation, by means of increasing the number and activities of osteoclasts. Such a condition results in tooth relapse. Omega 3 fatty acids of lemuru oil contains 18% eicosapentaenoid acid (EPA) and 13% docohexaenoic acid (DHA) are beneficial on health. Dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acids may reduce the production of proinflammatory cytokines and PGE2 by replacing arachidonic acid (AA), which is a substrate eikosanoids and inhibit the metabolism of the AA. RvE1 is produced by EPA, it inhibited osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Omega 3 fatty acids also decrease the expression of osteopontin and increase of bone sialoprotein that can enhance osteoblast differentiation in bone formation. Omega 3 fatty acids improve bone formation and bone strength by increasing alcaline phosphatase activity, hydroxyapatite and calcium depotition in bone. In conclusion, omega 3 fatty acids of lemuru oil with the content of EPA and DHA has the potential to inhibit bone resorption on compressive forces area and bone formation on tensile force area.

Keywords: Omega 3 fatty acids, lemuru oil, relapse, orthodontic movement

* Karya ilmiah ini merupakan juara 1 LKTI Nasional Pepsodent Award 2011 dalam rangka Dies Natalis PSMKGI XXII di FKG Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2011.

6 tanggapan untuk “Juara 1 Pepsodent Awards 2011

    1. Kan ada juru potonya dek hehehhe… mau fotonya, ntar tak tag, atau silakan save aja gak masalah koq 🙂

      maaf, infonya gak komplit, sebenranya mau tak buat cerita dari muncul ide sampai menjadi juara..

      Selamat juga buat tim kalian, katanya adek2 (hendri&putri) UB menjadi kompetitor berat, habis kalo kompetisi sering ketemu di final,, hehehehe 🙂

      semangat berkarya!!!

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